Medicare Statistics

All PBS by ATC Level 1 classification supplied from July 2011 to March 2013

It is extremely important to read all caveats prior to interpreting statistical reports otherwise incorrect conclusions could be made.

All Divisions of General Practice (999)

Click on hyperlinks below to view groups and subgroups in the category

  Items $Benefit Practitioners
Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Level 1 classification: Quarter 3,797,766 123,449,345 24,619
Alimentary Tract and Metabolism 2011Q3
2011Q4 2,759,930 92,669,218 24,512
2012Q1 3,368,339 106,951,634 25,341
2012Q2 5,269,970 159,925,942 25,644
2012Q3 5,037,994 161,761,836 25,986
2012Q4 1,585,644 52,782,029 25,286
2013Q1 5,598,530 167,949,583 26,911
Blood and Blood Forming Organs 2011Q3 1,127,991 36,986,577 23,515
2011Q4 813,975 27,310,508 23,262
2012Q1 999,171 28,544,819 24,090
2012Q2 1,568,124 40,573,091 24,637
2012Q3 1,489,268 40,374,744 24,950
2012Q4 472,735 13,027,399 23,409
2013Q1 1,623,276 42,797,489 25,825
Cardiovascular System 2011Q3 9,659,169 302,092,419 24,747
2011Q4 6,894,248 223,629,917 24,652
2012Q1 8,935,201 269,957,689 25,510
2012Q2 13,416,800 340,791,330 25,740
2012Q3 12,423,127 331,378,547 26,080
2012Q4 3,825,269 105,557,142 25,536
2013Q1 14,048,430 316,393,997 26,973
Dermatologicals 2011Q3 365,616 6,641,756 22,684
2011Q4 270,795 5,174,796 22,047
2012Q1 333,742 5,760,725 23,371
2012Q2 488,707 8,325,008 24,157
2012Q3 503,172 8,977,743 24,465
2012Q4 159,072 2,981,436 21,354
2013Q1 530,519 8,778,874 25,432
Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones 2011Q3 342,197 11,099,184 23,009
2011Q4 256,467 8,441,011 22,555
2012Q1 322,862 10,644,855 23,630
2012Q2 496,962 16,308,885 24,224
2012Q3 465,912 16,133,707 24,592
2012Q4 150,111 4,994,484 22,129
2013Q1 544,896 18,173,641 25,548
Systemic Hormonal Preparations, excl. Sex Hormones 2011Q3 364,418 5,570,760 22,967
2011Q4 259,752 4,268,755 22,238
2012Q1 299,376 4,544,854 23,300
2012Q2 496,464 7,519,055 24,328
2012Q3 499,133 7,985,694 24,698
2012Q4 152,512 2,634,244 21,443
2013Q1 489,765 7,828,432 25,447
General Anti-Infectives for Systemic Use 2011Q3 2,033,230 31,367,705 24,669
2011Q4 1,237,775 21,384,688 24,396
2012Q1 1,496,578 26,617,844 25,333
2012Q2 2,468,179 41,771,627 25,676
2012Q3 2,640,832 44,489,807 26,046
2012Q4 632,193 11,407,474 25,036
2013Q1 2,297,537 53,018,491 26,923
Anti-Neoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents 2011Q3 109,266 27,384,010 19,029
2011Q4 77,348 19,182,508 17,838
2012Q1 102,953 26,934,701 19,135
2012Q2 156,970 40,275,206 20,464
2012Q3 145,808 38,262,383 20,650
2012Q4 46,664 12,152,780 15,926
2013Q1 176,040 48,465,555 21,559
Musculo-Skeletal System 2011Q3 1,233,420 33,392,402 23,728
2011Q4 894,071 24,697,704 23,505
2012Q1 1,087,275 28,466,677 24,390
2012Q2 1,664,505 43,012,921 24,864
2012Q3 1,546,222 42,519,559 25,159
2012Q4 486,213 13,586,860 23,724
2013Q1 1,686,260 45,063,119 25,991
Nervous System 2011Q3 5,264,315 162,770,691 24,860
2011Q4 3,781,766 117,602,327 24,746
2012Q1 4,973,395 149,202,493 25,622
2012Q2 7,547,156 208,045,186 25,843
2012Q3 7,152,186 205,191,818 26,199
2012Q4 2,199,825 64,082,109 25,722
2013Q1 8,233,583 229,558,877 27,131
Anti-Parasitic Products 2011Q3 12,509 168,492 4,614
2011Q4 8,569 119,210 3,691
2012Q1 12,513 167,425 4,832
2012Q2 21,342 281,778 6,450
2012Q3 21,515 298,650 6,608
2012Q4 5,086 72,541 2,643
2013Q1 21,902 289,961 6,877
Respiratory System 2011Q3 1,567,223 63,809,932 24,388
2011Q4 1,080,220 45,926,954 24,133
2012Q1 1,241,081 50,591,653 25,013
2012Q2 2,135,964 86,169,035 25,406
2012Q3 2,128,473 87,419,522 25,794
2012Q4 612,270 26,409,413 24,679
2013Q1 2,004,978 81,810,481 26,610
Sensory Organs 2011Q3 653,468 9,823,577 23,067
2011Q4 493,177 7,949,116 22,645
2012Q1 592,444 7,978,707 23,654
2012Q2 880,842 12,671,848 24,256
2012Q3 891,570 13,401,682 24,660
2012Q4 286,914 4,562,208 22,310
2013Q1 962,911 12,493,971 25,572
Various + 2011Q3 64,241 5,164,261 14,314
2011Q4 48,247 3,843,435 12,994
2012Q1 54,456 4,515,196 13,738
2012Q2 81,866 6,912,528 15,471
2012Q3 89,444 7,184,729 15,499
2012Q4 29,299 2,221,154 10,076
2013Q1 96,107 7,548,274 16,056
Other ++ 2011Q3 125,478 2,499,435 12,017
2011Q4 90,587 1,737,648 11,297
2012Q1 124,700 2,289,215 12,012
2012Q2 189,193 3,552,558 13,322
2012Q3 180,603 3,626,867 13,610
2012Q4 54,554 1,120,561 9,761
2013Q1 212,451 4,318,934 14,069
Total 2011Q3 26,720,307 822,220,547 25,203
2011Q4 18,966,927 603,937,797 25,153
2012Q1 23,944,086 723,168,487 25,918
2012Q2 36,883,044 1,016,135,997 26,117
2012Q3 35,215,259 1,009,007,289 26,490
2012Q4 10,698,361 317,591,836 26,293
2013Q1 38,527,185 1,044,489,679 27,408

+ Various - Includes Allergens, Diagnostic Agents, Urine Test Reagents, Food Supplements (Lactose, Amino Acid Preparations).
++ Other - Extemporaneously Prepared Items and/or PBS Items with no ATC equivalent.

Printing and Downloading the Reports


  • Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item descriptions appear in the current Medicare Benefits Schedule book or MBS Schedule online (maintained by the Department of Health and Ageing(DoHA)).
  • From 1st February 2004 additional payments will be paid to general practitioners for Bulk Billed medical services provided to:
    • Commonwealth concession card holders
    • Children under the age of 16 years

  • Eighteen new items have been introduced into the Medicare Benefits Schedule:
    • 10990 - 10992 - General Medical Services Table
    • 63491, 63494, 63497, 64990 and 64991 - Diagnostic Imaging Services Table
    • 74990 - 74999 - Pathology Services Table
  • These items do not represent additional Medicare services, simply an additional payment.
  • The Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) statistics are based on all PBS and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) items as described in the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits or Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits website (maintained by the DoHA).
  • PBS item descriptions can be looked up in the current Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits book or the online searchable version of the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (maintained by the DoHA).
  • Statistics are supplied for both the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (RPBS, ie. items supplied to war veterans and their dependants).
  • The ATC classification used in these reports corresponds to the World Health Organisation definition. The "Schedule of Pharmeutical Benefits" uses a slightly modified definition and so descriptions of some ATC level 3 categories and some drug placements are different.
  • For MBS reports there are "drill down" links on the generated report that will produce a report on all the groups and subgroups in a category or all the items in a subgroup.
  • If you require statistics at a more detailed level please contact us detailing your request and supplying your phone and fax numbers. Medicare Australia is not funded for data provision, charging on a cost recovery basis for providing more detailed statistics.
  • Provision of any statistical information is subject to privacy considerations.

Definition of Divisions of General Practice

  • For the purposes of these reports, a Division of General Practice is a geographic area covering postcodes, and in some cases parts of postcodes, allocated by the DoHA.
  • More than one division may operate within some postcodes.
  • The Divisions of General Practice are defined by the DoHA. More information is available on the DoHA web site.

Medical Practitioners Included in the Data

Please note, the count of providers is a raw count. It includes:
  • General Practitioners and Other Medical Practitioners (who can claim Group A2 items- "Other Non-Referred Attendances to which no other item applies") who generate $1,000 or more MBS schedule fees in the quarter chosen are included in the tables.
  • The definition of a General Practitioner is specified in the Medicare Benefits Schedule Book.

Allocation of Data to Divisions of General Practice

  • Data is mapped to divisional boundaries using the postcode of the Medical Practitioner's principal practice location.
  • Where the postcode of the principal practice location is shared between several divisions the percentage allocation of the number of services, the value of the benefits and the number of Medical Practitioners are apportioned to the respective divisions according to the postcode's percentage split specified at the DoHA site.

Allocation of Data to Time Periods

  • For MBS, quarter is determined by the date the service was processed by Medicare Australia, not the date the service was provided.
  • For PBS, quarter is determined by the date of supply of the pharmaceutical item by the pharmacy not the date the item was prescribed.
  • Financial and calendar year reports are an aggregation of the quarterly data. A financial year is 1 July to 30 June.
  • Quarters for MBS statistics are a three month period defined as:
    • Quarter 1: from January 1 to March 31
    • Quarter 2: from April 1 to June 30
    • Quarter 3: from July 1 to September 30
    • Quarter 4: from October 1 to December 31
  • Figures may vary according to the number of processing days in a month, which depends on the number of days in the month, public holidays, overtime worked etc.

MBS Data Represented in the Reports

  • The reports only relate to the value (benefit) or volume of services that have been processed by Medicare Australia.
  • These reports include only those services that are rendered or referred by a Medical Practitioner as defined above, that qualify for a benefit, and for which a claim has been processed by Medicare Australia.
  • The referred totals do not include ordered services that were performed by the same Medical Practitioner who ordered them (self referred).
  • The figures do not include services provided to public patients in public hospitals or services that qualify for a benefit under the Department of Veterans Affairs National Treatment Account.
  • MBS data is made available shortly after the quarter has completed. MBS data is based on date of processing of the claim by Medicare Australia.

PBS/RPBS Data Represented in the Reports

  • Medicines which may be prescribed under the PBS and RPBS are listed in the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (the Yellow Book)
  • Patient Contributions - General patients, who do not hold a concession card (General - Ordinary), pay a maximum contribution towards the cost of each PBS medicine. The maximum General patient contribution is specified in the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. The Government pays the remainder. Holders of a Department of Social Security or a Department of Veterans' Affairs treatment card may pay a contribution towards the cost of each PBS or RPBS medicine. The value of this contribution is specified in the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits
  • Only items contained in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule appear in these statistics. Items supplied to General patients, costing less than the General patient contribution rate, do not receive a PBS benefit and are therefore not included.
  • The reports only relate to the value (benefit) or volume (items) of PBS and RPBS items that have been processed by Medicare Australia.
  • The figures refer only to paid items processed from claims presented by approved pharmacies.
  • The figures do not include any adjustments made against pharmacists' claims, any manually paid claims or any benefits paid as a result of retrospective entitlement or refund of patient contributions.
  • The figures do not include items provided to public patients in public hospitals.
  • The figures do not contain Section 100 items (highly specialised drugs available through hospital pharmacies for out-patients).
  • PBS/RPBS data is delayed until the following quarter has passed, due to the time lag involved between the supply, and the subsequent processing of the claim. PBS data is based on the date of supply by the pharmacy.


The information and data contained in the reports and tables have been provided by Medicare Australia for general information purposes only. While Medicare Australia takes care in the compilation and provision of the information and data, it does not assume or accept any liability for the accuracy, quality, suitability and currency of the information or data, or for any reliance on the information or data. Medicare Australia recommends that users exercise their own care, skill and diligence with respect to the use and interpretation of the information and data.

Last updated: 30 August 2013

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